The Yard Butler

How Often Should the Lawn Be Mowed for a Commercial Property

commercial property lawn

As a commercial property owner or manager, maintaining a property’s appearance is an essential task. Because increasing the curb appeal of the property is more likely to draw in more customers. More than that, customers are more likely to spend more because they can tell when you’re putting both time and effort into their customer experience. 


One of the key questions that property owners and managers face is how often the lawn should be mowed. In this blog post, we’ll explore the factors that determine the mowing frequency and provide guidance on how to determine the appropriate mowing schedule for your commercial property.


So, how often should a commercial property lawn be mowed? Well, the answer depends on a number of factors including the type of grass, the season, and the overall health of the lawn. But the general rule is that most commercial properties will require mowing every one to two weeks during the growing season (Spring and Summer) and every three to four weeks during the dormant season (Fall and Winter). Of course, this is just a general guideline, and the actual mowing frequency will depend on the specific factors mentioned above. Let’s look closer at each of these factors.

Type of Grass

Different types of grass have different growth rates, which can impact how often the lawn needs to be mowed. For example, warm season grasses like Bermuda grass and St. Augustine grass grow more quickly in the summer months and may require weekly mowing during this time. In contrast, cool season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass and fescue grow more slowly and may only need to be mowed every two weeks.


For Idaho, most home lawns are composed of Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, or a combination of the four. These grasses are well adapted to the northern regions of the United States. Kentucky bluegrass is commonly used in the northern regions because of its ability to better withstand cold temperatures. Perennial ryegrass has a rich dark green color and can spread quickly, making it ideal for patching up thick spots of grass. Tall rescue is a bunch-type grass that is drought-tolerant, making it an excellent choice for areas that receive less rainfall. Fine fescue is grass that is typically chosen for landscaping purposes. The growth of these grass will differ, depending on what is chosen. So, it’s essential to understand the growth patterns of the grasses in a lawn to determine the frequency of mowing required to keep it looking healthy and well-maintained. 

Growth Patterns

There are two basic growth patterns of lawn grasses: bunch-type and creeping-type. The bunch-type grass grows in clumps and spread outward very slowly but spread upward, creating a puffed appearance. These grasses will grow slower and require less frequent mowing than the creeping-type. Creeping grass is the type of grass that spreads out from the crown of the plant and creates more coverage over a lawn. This grass tends to grow more quickly and would require more frequent mowing than bunch-type grass. Understanding the growth patterns of lawn grasses can help property owners choose the appropriate grass type of their specific needs and maintain a healthy and attractive lawn. 


The season can also impact how often a lawn needs to be mowed. It’s expected for the mowing season to begin in the Spring and Summer months, when grass growth is at its peak more frequent mowing may be necessary. Around the end of the Fall and Winter months, the grass growth becomes dormant, slows down and less frequent mowing may be required.


In times of drought or more arid conditions, mowing the lawn wouldn’t be recommended. Mowing the lawn while it’s dry or while the lawn is dormant could cause permanent damage. Just know that when there is less moisture present in the soil and air, the yard will grow slower. During this time, it’s best to leave your lawn alone and minimize treatments to let it survive the drought. 

Lawn Health

The health of the lawn can also impact mowing frequency. A lawn that is well-maintained and receives regular fertilization and watering may grow more quickly and thus require more frequent mowing. Fertilizer is an essential component of lawn care that can help maintain an attractive lawn for commercial properties. Using fertilizer provides essential nutrients, which promote healthy growth and enhance the lawn’s color. A lawn that is well-fertilized, is better able to resist disease, drought, and other environmental issues. On the other hand, a lawn that is not well-fertilized may grow more slowly and require less frequent mowing. As commercial property owners want their storefronts to look presentable for customers, it’s better for there to be regular fertilization for lawn health. 


Maintaining a healthy lawn requires more than just a regular mowing schedule. It includes proper lawn care practices to maintain optimal lawn health. Property owners can consider hiring a professional lawn care service to handle the various tasks of lawn care. A professional service would also be able to provide insight into what they believe is the optimal frequency for mowing the lawn. The professional service would be able to handle the tasks and ensure the lawn receives the care that it needs to thrive. But what are the factors that a professional service would consider when mowing a commercial property? In addition to frequency, there are some other important considerations when it comes to mowing a commercial property lawn. Let’s take a look at a few of these.

Mowing Height

The height at which a lawn is mowed can impact its overall health and appearance. Generally speaking, it’s best to mow a lawn at a height of 2 to 3 inches. Mowing too short can damage the grass and lead to brown patches while mowing too long can make the lawn look unkempt and promote the growth of weeds.


When it comes to commercial lawn mowing, cutting the grass when it “looks like the right time” isn’t going to work. Maintaining a mowing schedule is one of the healthiest things you can do for your lawn. The grass is the healthiest when it’s routinely cut to a certain height. When grass grows too high it leaves the lower parts with little to no sunlight, while cutting it too low can kill it. Finally, cutting too much at one time can also damage the grass. Regular mowing will also help with weed overgrowth and pest control, keeping the lawn healthy. 

Moving Technique

The technique used to mow a lawn can also impact its health and appearance. For example, it’s important to make sure the mower blades are sharp to ensure a clean cut and prevent damage to the grass. It’s also a good idea to vary the mowing pattern from week to week to prevent the grass from being pushed in the same direction every time.

Equipment Maintenance

Finally, it’s important to properly maintain the mowing equipment to ensure it is functioning properly and not causing damage to the lawn. This includes regularly sharpening mower blades, changing the oil and filters, and performing other routine maintenance tasks.


A property’s layout can include physical elements like hills, ditches, and slopes in a landscape. Certain mowers would be the safest bet in mowing these areas, as they are risky with the possibility of mowers tipping over. Depending on the severity of the slopes, ditches, etc.  


Finally, maintaining a well-manicured lawn is an important aspect of commercial property management. When it comes to determining how often to mow a lawn, a general guideline is that most commercial properties will require mowing every one to two weeks during the growing season and every three to four weeks during the dormant season. However, the actual mowing frequency will depend on the specific needs of the lawn. If you’re still unsure how often your commercial property needs to be mowed, consult with a commercial property landscaping service. They will help provide insight for your commercial lawn mowing. 


A commercial lawn mowing service can keep your commercial property safe by looking out for potential hazards and providing a safe and healthy environment for employees and customers. Most commercial landscaping contracts include weekly visits for mowing and other routine jobs. The weekly visits keep the grass healthy and snatch up stray weeds, increasing the curb appeal. 


At the end of the day, lawn care is an ongoing process that requires attention and effort. By working with a professional lawn care company, property owners and managers can ensure that their lawn receives the proper care and maintenance it needs to thrive. With the right approach, a well-maintained lawn can enhance the overall appeal and value of a commercial property, while also providing a welcoming environment for employees and customers alike.


By following best practices for mowing height, technique, and equipment maintenance, property owners and managers can help ensure that their lawn remains healthy and visually appealing year-round. With the right approach, a well-maintained lawn can be a valuable asset to any commercial property.