The Yard Butler

There are so many myths about pests that it can be hard to sort out what is real and what is fake. These are some common myths that you may have heard before. Like many myths, they have roots in the truth but they don’t tell you all the facts. Keep reading to have these myths busted and get the real facts.

Bugs won’t enter a clean house

Keeping your house clean will definitely help prevent pest infestations. However, just because your house is clean does not mean bugs won’t go inside. Bugs will come into our homes in search of food, water, warmth, and shelter. By keeping your house clean you eliminate easy access to food and standing water but your house is still warmer than outside and provides shelter from harsh conditions. If there are any entry points into your home, open windows or cracks in the exterior of your home, there is a good chance that bugs will find their way in.

Sealing potential entry points is a good way to further prevent bugs from entering your home. And if you want additional help with pest prevention, you can call a professional pest control team, like Yard Butler to spray your home on a quarterly basis.

Seeing a cockroach means your house is dirty

This myth is similar to “bugs won’t enter a clean home.” Even if your house is clean, that’s not a complete safeguard against cockroaches. If they can enter the house easily then they may come in. A dirty house is more appealing because it tends to have easier access to food and water. However, if there are easy entry points into your house and food is not sealed all the way, they may still make their way inside.

If you don’t see bugs, then they aren’t there

Infestations usually happen because you didn’t see the bugs until it became a large problem. Bugs are fairly small (especially those that cause large infestations), and if there are only a couple they are pretty easy to miss and can hide easily. Most people start to notice them when they start noticing damage to their home or the hiding spot is not big enough to house all the bugs. Termites will do damage well before you notice them if you don’t know what to keep your eye on. Bed bugs are so small that they can blend in with your furniture and get by undetected. Even if you don’t see them, they could be crawling right past you.

To help prevent unseen pest infestations, try regular pest spraying. Our team can help you get started.

Bees don’t sting unless provoked

Honey bees specifically are very territorial. When they are near their nest and they think their nest is in danger they are very likely to sting. You might not even be aware that their nest is nearby. When they are away from their nest, they are not likely to sting at all. All they want when they are away from their nest is to find pollen. They don’t really worry about people or animals.

Cheese is a mouse’s favorite food

Research has shown that mice will eat a large variety of foods, including cheese. Though it is widely believed, cheese is not what a mouse would prefer to eat. Mice prefer sweeter foods like fruit, grains, and sugary treats. Keep this in mind the next time you set your own mouse traps.

If you find that pests are making their way into your home or you want to get ahead of the game and set some preventative measures in place, give The Yard Butler a call.